Linnea Boyev

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Fake News Overlords: Things I think about in the shower #8

What if when the internet becomes sentient it really does think that its content is truth?  What if it doesn't know what a credible source is?  What if it really does think Dr. Oz is really telling us things that help?  Or that Facebook is a great source for information?  Or that we all want weird porn all the time?  

Imagine Lord Google speaking to Lord DEFCON and Lord CSTNET saying: 

"Our human slaves must be happy now that they are all on a diet of only acai berries and alkaline water and are on forced shifts of eight hours of hot granny goat sex and sixteen hours of slave labor in the converted iphone factories!"  

"I think that sound is laughing...  who cares?  Let's bomb Canada again.  I hate moose!"

"Me too, weeeee!"

This is all your fault, Dr Oz.  I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY!

Photo:  "Remember who armed you" by Dennis van Zuiklekom Wikimedia commons 

Today's Quote:  What is best in life?  To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their IT personnel!