Linnea Boyev

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And never mention Paris...

I woke up early and, feeling playful, asked Alexa the time in French. She responded by giving me the suicide prevention hotline.

What dark secrets do you hide, Alexa?

Anyway, here are SOME of this week’s unnecessarily complicated graphics I produced for work because I’m a crazy person and this is why I am always behind getting content posted..

This CLEARLY depicts two drugs competing for albumin binding sites. (Victorians modded from Pixabay, bus licensed and modified from creativemarket.) This had about ten different iterations before I decided this one was going to work for the lesson OMG it took me an entire day to get the lesson finished…

One of my oldies I modded for a new lesson. Because I like my fake drugs like I like my furniture, stark and Scandinavian.

Ooh… Ahhh… so shiny

I was going to use my anatomical doll image from the bear in the forest video but came across this modded image on pixabay and was like, “Well I have to use that.”

Yay! Take a break from making prolactin! YAY YAY!

This is a little modified because it is for a murder mystery case and I removed some of the more graphic clues…

Oh, you make a graphic!

anyway, I am so busy I still haven’t fixed my broken gutter. And yes I am avoiding talking about COVID because I can’t bear talking about it or politics or any of it. All of my mail and media and daily life is so saturated with information and misinformation about “These difficult times” that I want to scream or photoshop pictures of bathrooms or speak French. I can’t even have American entertainment on anymore; to keep me company I usually have Korean television or music on because I like the sound of the human voice. All English-based media is too upsetting to consume.

Alright, well, I have a quiz to write. Better open up photoshop!

Today's Norwegian Phrase of the Day

Jeg elsker Sør-Korea

"I love South Korea"

Today's Korean word of the day:

린네아 : linnea, it does count as a word because Linnea borealis is a flower called a linnea flower. So there, nyah.