Gamification - coming Soon

Group Sheet for DNA transcription-translation lesson/quiz disguised as an escape room. Why write a boring quiz about DNA transcription when your students can save the world (or not depending on whether they’ve been keeping up) from a zombie plague r…

Group Sheet for DNA transcription-translation lesson/quiz disguised as an escape room. Why write a boring quiz about DNA transcription when your students can save the world (or not depending on whether they’ve been keeping up) from a zombie plague released by a fanatical Green Bay Packers fan? I know, right?

The Basics: What is Gamification?

What is gamification? Who started using it? Who benefits? And what about Naomi?

Game Mechanics

How to turn menial, boring, repetitive work you would happily do for free at home but resent doing at your job into work you accidentally enjoy doing despite your continued simmering and deep resentment..

How to turn any multiple choice T/F in-class question into a game if you can’t afford “Clickers” - print out this image on 8.5x11” card stock and cut on the dotted lines.

How to turn any multiple choice T/F in-class question into a game if you can’t afford “Clickers” - print out this image on 8.5x11” card stock and cut on the dotted lines.

Badges? Yes, you do need those badges! Here are some images for free.

If you are using D2L/Brightspace, there is an embedded badge maker you can use. But those badges are kinda boring. Regardless, the badges are .PNG files, 200x200pixels in size. You can upload any square PNG file but I find 200 or 400px work best. Here are some images I’ve made myself that you can use. (Legal statement: These are using wholly original graphics or graphics I’ve purchased and licensed or images I’ve modified from pixabay, the most fantastic free image resource for teachers ever (if you have the ability to do so, send those artists some coffee money; I have done so many, many times myself!)). In other words, they are safe for you to use. I’ve made these public domain for you to use for badges.

Let slip the badges of war!

Some badges I made and use in D2L Brightspace

Some badges I made and use in D2L Brightspace


For rolling custom dice in the Action Potential Game

BASELINE: Equal Depolarization (Glu) and Hyperpolarization (GABA)




Inhibit the inhibitor: Subtract one hyperpolarizer




Gamification Theory

What sort of folks respond to what sorts of gamification strategies? What sorts of sick villains use such strategies into brainwashing people into doing their (probably evil) bidding?! (Well, me, for one…)

If it’s too easy it is boring.  If it is too hard it stresses you out.  Unless you are a fan of the game Dark Souls, evidently.  Then the harder the challenge the happier you are, I guess?

If it’s too easy it is boring. If it is too hard it stresses you out. Unless you are a fan of the game Dark Souls, evidently. Then the harder the challenge the happier you are, I guess?